iodex® Testimonials

Iodex and Iodex with Methyl Salicylate Antiseptic Ointments

We love hearing and reading about the many ways families have benefited from using IODEX® ointment.
Please share with us your personal stories and healing experiences by using the contact tab in the menu.

Cuts, Scrapes & Skin Infections | Bug Bites | Blisters & Boils | Splinters & Slivers | Pimples | Bruising & Swelling | Muscle & Joint Pain | Sore Throat & Swollen Glands | Plantar Fasciitis | Use On Animals | Old-Time Remedy

Cuts, Scrapes & Skin Infections:

"My husband's grandparents were the first to use Iodex Topical Antiseptic Ointment. They passed it on to their children (one being my husband's mother). She passed it on to my husband & I, and we passed it to our children, and then to our grandchildren. Now our great-grandchildren are having it used on them. We estimate that our family has used Iodex for a good 100 years. Our granddaughter growing up would create a great trauma when hurt. We tried to put on medicines other than Iodex on her wound. She would put it on herself when she found that it did not sting or cause more hurt to the wound. I have used it on my badly chapped lips and on a cold sore. It heals. It lasts a long time and there isn't a time limit on it because we have had a jar that lasted for a good 10 years. It still worked like when we bought it new. I tell everyone I know about it. It's wonderful at healing wounds and drawing out infections, splinters, and small thorns." – B.R., UT

"Since I was a child, our family has used Iodex for minor (And even fairly major) skin wounds. We also used on our pets through the years. As a physician for over 30 years, I have continued to recommend this amazing salve." - V.B., M.D., VA

"Great product. All the protection and healing power of iodine without the sting. Liberally put on a cut, scrape, etc. and bandage over. It speeds up healing. We have cats and their bites and scratches can sometimes linger for weeks. With IODEX cat scratches heal in a week or two and don't seem to become red and infected. " -N.

"We have used IODEX for years. I was brought up on it and it is amazing stuff! 1 jar can last several years, so it is worth every penny. We use it by applying a small amount to a band-aid covering the wound for 12 - 24 hours, it seems that within 20 minutes after application any pain is gone, and the salve is a drawing salve which removes impurities that may have entered through the wound so healing is complete and usually free from infection. I would recommend this to anyone asking for a good wound salve." - J.D.

“Cat scratches, and cuts – [IODEX’s] the perfect thing. My dad, a chemist, taught me to use Iodine... Thank you for your thoughtfulness!” - S.L

“Mother use to use IODEX all the time. Was happy she found your company. Has fungal toe nails - told to try Iodex when at a recent holistic seminar.” - V.D., NY

“My 2 cents. I've worked as a professional chef for 20+ years and have to say this product is worth its weight in gold! I've been burned, stabbed, cut, and most recently, scratched by my puppy who loves mud and poop! In all cases I cleaned the wound with peroxide followed by some IODEX, always fast healing and never an infection!
I was recently scratched by my puppy, within an hour I could see veins starting to turn color, raise and radiate from the wound, I believe a sign of blood poisoning. I re-cleaned the scratch with peroxide and applied some IODEX, the veins receded and the wound is nearly closed, all within a day, no doc, no antibiotics needed!
This is a product my parents and grandparents used and it is still a wonderful product. You only need a tiny bit for a cut for it to be effective. The last jar I bought was close to 10 years ago, it is still viable and have just more than half left, so you really don't need a lot to cure what ails you!
Keep in mind that a 1oz. jar can last nearly a lifetime and that a little of it goes a long way, as in one itty bitty dab on your finger will take care of a fairly large cut!”
- J.K., NJ

“Still as amazing as ever! I remember this black goop from my childhood, when my father put it on nearly everything but his morning toast. This stuff probably saved my life when I gashed my leg open while backpacking in the Sierra backcountry. Butterfly bandages and plenty of IODEX, allowed me to be able to endure the 3 days back to civilization. When I saw the doc, he was amazed and said it was healing fine and just keep applying the IODEX. I barely have a scar and the gash was very deep. Good to have this back in the first aid kit!!” - D.C., WA

“Skin Infection. Recommended by a friend. Used it on a skin problem [insect bite or infection.] Cleared it up and helped heal the infection.” - J.G.

“The best anti-bac you can have around. Have a cut or abrasion – smear this on it and cover. That’s it. Have a small infection in and around a recent wound, smear this on it, cures it quick. Small enough to travel with. Jars last a loooooonnnng time. Highly recommended.” - C.R., CA.

“Great Product. This is our go to healing product for the whole family. We use it on our pets too. Because it’s a salve, it really stays on and helps fight infection and again, heals cuts, scrapes etc. Great product.” - J.K.

“Best Stuff Ever. We used this “Black Salve” when I was growing up for just about every “owie” imaginable. I still think it is the best salve on the market to prevent infections – from cat scratches, blackberries, etc.” - L.H.

“OUTSTANDING. Been using IODEX since my childhood. Outstanding ointment. No first aid kit should be without. Excellent for nicks, cuts and abrasions.” - T.

“It works. I had a raw spot on the top of my foot and this cured it within 2 or 3 days.” - E.

“Grandma’s favorite remedy for cuts and scrapes. “Put some black salve on it,” my grandmother always said whenever we got a cut or scrape. Still works and doesn’t sting like other antiseptics.” - E.

“Helped my wife’s issue in no time flat. VERY HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got it to help my wife’s lesion, it works very well and will get more if I remember where I got it!” - J.D., OR

“An older remedy that works to perfection. This ointment with 4% iodine is effective for cuts and abrasions and some skin rashes. I find it effective for healing eczema skin irritation.” - P.H.

“Best for healing. I have used this product before and it is the best for infections and any type of scrapes and etc. I will continue to use this product as long as I can find it. I have used IODEX for more than 30 years.” - S.

“Does not sting. I never heard of this stuff before but tried it on other people’s recommendation. Let me tell you that I am impressed. I have already had a few chances to use it on myself and my grandson and it doesn’t sting and I find you heal much faster with it." - anonymous

“IODEX. I have used this product for a long time but I could not find it anymore in my local store. I am delighted that I can buy it once more through you. It is a good product for minor scrapes and sores and I can recommend it. Thank you.” - T.T.

“Fabulous! A friend introduced me to this years ago. It is now hard to find but as a drawing salve it cannot be beat. I have wasted money on other products when I could not find IODEX but they just don’t hold a candle to it. The wintergreen one is also good for blemishes, scrapes, etc.” - C.C..

“Outstanding Product. This is one product that has stood the test of time, and then some. My mother used it on me when I was a little girl, and I continue to use it to this day. It feels like a gel going on, and doesn't stain. It takes out splinters, stops infections, and generally speeds up the healing of cuts. Just put a dab on and throw a bandage over it. It's a wonderful little ointment! It doesn't take much - I have a bottle that I have been using for ten years. You get your money's worth many times over. It stores in a medicine cabinet, takes of very little space, and is always good to go. It should be a staple of everyone's first aid kit, especially if you have kids.” - S.L., CA

“IODEX for cuts, scratches and abrasions. I grew up with IODEX for every cut, scratch or burn. Great product. Thank you!!” - C.E.A

“Greatest scrape/scratch treatment EVER!!! IODEX was introduced to us by my mother-in-law, and I don’t know what we’d do without it. Itches, scrapes, cuts, etc. dab on a bit and pain disappears, and it helps to heal your sore, scrape, etc. very quickly. Looks and feels like axle grease, but does it ever work! Great stuff!” - S.W.

“Amazing stuff, really works, jars last a long time. I read about IODEX online and decided to try it. I have used this on blood blisters, on cuts and punctures, and it is literally amazing. I put a bb sized to pea sized chunk of it on a Qtip, spread it over the wound, cover it with a band aid or two to seal it in overnight, and the next day it is healed up and smooth. Amazing stuff. It has a dark waxy consistency, like black or dark brown shoe polish, and the little jar lasts a long, long time. Works on feet, hands, arms, anywhere external that you might cut, blister or puncture.” - B.S., NJ

“Five Stars. Great for skin infections or abrasions on children.” - J.R.

“Please keep this product available. This is a great product that our family has used for about 60 years. It is wonderful for scrapes, cuts, burns, bug bites, etc.” - K.L.P

“My mother used to use IODEX all the time. I am happy I found you. I have fungal toe nails and I was told to try IODEX when I was at a recent holistic seminar.” - V.D., NY

“I used IODEX to heal a foot wound. My podiatrist was amazed.” - I.G., FL.

"IODEX cures my melanoma. Have been getting it since the '40s." - P. C., MO

"I have used this on minor scratches and cuts for more than 40 years. It works great and lasts forever. I got this jar to give to my daughter in law for my grandson who loves to walk barefoot in the yard!" - S.B.

"Growing up, Dad always had a jar around and instructed me to use it for the many cuts I received as a growing boy. He learned how to use it from his dad and I'm now teaching my daughter how to use it when she gets a cut. Still the best product on the market." - A.L., Lake Oswego, OR

"This is still the best for drawing out impurities or infection from a bump. Just wash area, put a generous dab over the issue and cover with a round bandaid. Leave on over night. By the morning all gunk is out. The product has been around for ages and nothing else beats it." - J.

"I had a septic knee joint with a hard to heal incision, this worked great!" - M.G.

"This IODEX is the thick one that really works on bruises & minor scrapes, virtually disappearing in a couple of days. I have tried the "other" ones that do not work. Very happy. The product arrived well packaged and earlier than due date stated. Definitely buy again from this company--Baar." - S.F.

Bug Bites:

“I was so happy to find your web site. I could not find Iodex in stores near me. I have used Iodex for a long time. It was a product in our home, growing up. I have used it on my own children. It is wonderful for bug bites and scrapes and keeps us free from infection. It is a wonderful product. Thank you.” - D.T.

“Excellent. I know this product for more than 40 years, was looking for it all over, for a mosquito bite that is infected, for a fistula, any ingrown hair. This is the best. I remember I was about 9 and a fly bit me, next day I had a small bump all red the size of a quarter, my parents started putting IODEX and about 2 days later it opened up by itself and took all of the infection out. This product is the BEST.” - L.C.

“Fixes Everything. This stuff works great, it heals everything so fast. I have been using this for years. Anything you can think of it will heal. Not many people know about this but everyone should try it. Trust me this stuff is amazing. It works great in the summer to heal bug bites or use in the winter on spots that are dry or hand injury.” - H.M.

"Used it on a skin problem[insect bite or infection], cleared it up and helped heal the infection." - J.G.

"Used this on an infected bug bite and it cleared in two days. AND it does not have a short shelf life." - C.L.

"I have found Iodex to be effective on even the most stubborn cut or insect bite. When other ointments fail, Iodex works. I had a jar of Iodex that may have been older than me, used it, and it worked. What else do you need to know." - J.R.

“Life Saver. I am diabetic and several months ago I developed some blisters on my ankles. I was treated by a wound specialist however they would not heal. I started to do some research on my own and found that there were many people who recommended this product. I am so happy that I ordered IODEX. I used it twice a day. If possible do not cover the wound. Within three weeks the wounds were healed. The wound specialist was surprised by how well I healed up. As a diabetic I know the importance of taking care of wounds and infections. I highly recommend that you keep a jar of IODEX and use it at the first sign of a skin problem.” - J.

Blisters & Boils:

“As a Naturopathic doctor, my approach to most health issues is holistic and integrative. Recently, I had experienced an extremely painful ingrown hair that had become infected on my leg that required taking a short round of antibiotics. The day I started the antibiotics, I knew however, that I needed to “draw out” the infection too, since the antibiotics take a while to feel their effect. No exaggeration, within an hour and a half of putting a pea-sized amount of Iodex over the infection, to my surprise, the area began to draw out the infected tissue! Each time my body pushed out the infection, I felt the severe pain in my leg ease. Also, the bright pink color around the infected hair follicle began to lighten as well. After 4 days of consistently applying the Iodex, the ingrown hair came out as well. After the hair came out, I had no more sensitivity near the area. This stuff is amazing!” - Dr. R.B., Plymouth Meeting, PA

"I have used about ¾ of my jar and have found that IODEX is fantastic on boils. It takes the pain away fast and makes them heal quickly. It takes away the itch from bug bites in minutes and the swelling goes away in a few hours! Great on bumps and bruises too. I am ordering more to make sure I don’t run out.” - L., NH

"Used it this week to draw a boil my husband has been medicating with a prescription ointment for 6 weeks. It drew the boil to a head and it ruptured so that the healing can begin.” -A.C., FL

"After using it several times a day for 3 days this helped clear up a few boils I had. Also cleared up an area of dry scaly skin that resulted from the salicylic acid I used trying to clear up the boils before getting the Iodex." -L., Silver Spring, MD

Splinters & Slivers:

"Best product ever for drawing out pus, and infection. I use it for burns, cuts, pulling splinters." - E.K.

“IODEX, still the best. Dang, I'm glad someone invented this stuff! I'm a wimp when it comes to pain, and this is absolutely the only disinfectant that doesn't hurt. I recall as a kid getting a huge splinter down really deep inside my thumb. By evening it was swollen, red, and excruciating. We dabbed on IODEX, wrapped a bandage over it loosely, and the next morning, all pain and redness was gone, and the splinter had been drawn right out of the thumb and was sitting loose under the bandage! I've had similar luck with IODEX drawing out embedded bee stingers. I've smeared it on some pretty nasty-looking scrapes and infected wounds, and each time, they've healed up cleanly and quickly. It even helps joint pain -- arthritis, sprains, and so on.
“Despite using it for so many things, a jar lasts years. I'm in my fifties, and have only needed a new jar three times in my entire life. Each time, I worried that maybe it's no longer being sold. I mean really, how can they possibly be making money on something that lasts a decade or so?”
- R.H., CA

“I was so happy I found this salve. I grew up having it put on splinters and waking the next day with the splinter in the bandage. I bought this for my brother, he was thrilled.” - N.M.

“Great Product. Bought this salve because I grew up with my mom putting it on a splinter, bandaging it and OMG the next morning the splinter would be on the bandaid…No needles, just Moms black salve. Who knows. However my bros and sister remember the same. So I bought some for them.” - N.M.

"My grandmother used IODEX to remove slivers from fingers.” - N.C., ID

"This stuff works so well. The "jar of stuff" is back. My mom used to use this when we would get splinters in our feet from running around bare foot. Works just as well as the old stuff. Remember to cover the spot though, it stains." - J.M.E

"We have used this for years! Got a tough splinter and your child won’t let you near them with tweezers? Put a dab of this on the sliver area, cover and within a day or so you can remove it without infection." - W.L.


“An outstanding Product. I've used IODEX all my life...I'm retired now, so it's been a long time. I was introduced to it by my father. It is a pain free way to get iodine on a wound and leads to fast healing. Another use is if you have a pimple that won't come to a head, put some on the pimple, cover with a Band-Aid, and wait a couple of days." - anonymous

"I'd absolutely recommend this to everyone.” - R.M., AZ

“Great Product. I am 62 years old and my family always had a jar of this on hand while I was growing up. Any scrape or sore was treated with this salve immediately! As teens we used it on our acne. It draws the infection to a head. Bought 4 jars for my siblings!” - A.C., IN

"I've used Iodex all my life...I'm retired now, so it's been a long time. I was introduced to it by my father. It is a pain free way to get iodine on a wound and leads to fast healing. Another use is if you have a pimple that won't come to a head, put some on the pimple, cover with a band-ade, and wait a couple of days." - R.M., Mesa, AZ

Bruising & Swelling:

"Love this stuff. My mother was starting to get a bed sore on her leg. We tried a number of things for a few weeks but nothing was helping. I did some research and came across this product in the reviews so I decided to try it. It cleared up the sore in only 2 days. My father has also used it on his bumps and bruises, he is 92 years old and the smallest tap will give him a bruise. This stuff is amazing; it clears those up in a day or two. If you have senior parents I suggest that you buy some and give this a try, it's really helped in our family." - M.M.

“Found it! I have used this for a long time and glad they still make it. I was blessed to find it so I can use it for bruising and cuts.” - S.R.

“IODEX old fashion but good. It works and have used it for years. Works well on bruises and lumps and bumps.” - C.B.

“Takes away soreness. Love this product rub it in to cuts and bruises and it takes away the soreness. Draws out splinters too.” - L.C.

“Miracle Worker. IODEX was introduced to me about 60 years ago in Cuba. My mother used this product when I got a bruise and it really works. Now I have it in my medicine cabinet for my grandkids. It has many uses and it always amazes me how good it works. Every household should have one.” - T.M.

“Old time miracle wonder. This ointment is “the bomb.” My parents used this on me when I was little and would get my fingers slammed in the car door. Spread on generously and wrap loosely with gauze. The next day the fingers might look black and blue, but all the pain and soreness was gone! Now I am an old lady and still ordering it for my family and for my friends (especially those with young children prone to bumps and bruises). My husband smashed his big toe – big blood blister and the whole bit – but after using IODEX his toe was PURPLE but NO PAIN. A truly great product!” - J.R.

“It’s like magic to put on sores or bruises or when we get hurt. It works so well.” - R.P., AL

"I have a fibrous cyst that a Doctor was to remove when I was in my twenties, but didn't. I hugged my husband one day and informed him that the lighter in his shirt pocket hurt me. He told me that there was no lighter there. My cyst had gotten larger. Another doctor suggested massaging the IODEX Original on my breasts every other day to keep the cyst area from swelling, and Cocoa Butter the day after in the same area. When switching doctors seven years ago the Doctor asked if I also was using the IODEX Original routing on my underarm limp nodes. It has helped me stay healthy." - T.W.

"I just had surgery on my stomach and now it feels all bruised and [IODEX] is the only thing that helps. It takes the pain away. My mother used it for all of my life but she is no longer with us. I've got to have it." - C.M., LA

“My “GO-TO” Product for Bumps and Bruises. I'm a few months shy of sixty, "old school" and proud of it. I can tell you this, IODEX is simply a "gotta have" staple for anyone's medicine cabinet. This little jar of magic has been in my family's First Aid box, all of my life. NOTHING works as well for bumps and bruises. Rub a little on, and it prevents bruises from forming. Simply incredible. The iodine in a petroleum jelly base is one of the best bump and abrasion cures I know. It doesn't stain or sting."
“Actually, I have had my family's original jar in my house for sentimental reasons. My mom passed away a year ago, and going through her things, I just didn't have the heart to toss it out. It must be 50 years old. The top of the jar is a bit rusty, however to my surprise, when I used it, it was still effective in treating my post-operative wounds for the surgery on my thumb last week. A nasty bruise was forming at the base of my cast, and to my surprise, the bruise disappeared after three days of administrating it with IODEX. With all the hype in drugstore "over the counter" medicines, it’s a shame more people in the new generation don't know what a great medicine this is. Use it once and you'll never be without it. I Promise!”
- S.C.Y.

"I recently had knee replacement surgery and was bruised very badly around my ankle and calf of my leg. I immediately went to my 20 year old container of IODEX. I had very little left in it. I used it all over my calf and ankle, and no longer had bruising on it. I also had some blood marks under the skin on my forearms. Not sure why and where they came from, but have had them for months. After ordering a new jar of IODEX, I have been putting it on my arms and have almost removed all of them. I am only 70 years old and my Mother used this onus as kids when we got bruised...I remember getting bruised easily and I would have a large bruise with a hard knot in the center. IODEX would reduce the soreness from it within days." - L.D., Valrico, FL

"I learned about iodine-based ointment while overseas, and very happy to see that it is available state-side. Ointment works great for heavy bruising and sore tissue/muscle. Added benefit is that iodine is a great antiseptic (often used in pre-surgery prep), so if you have a combination of bruising and open skin, this is a great solution. Shipment arrived lightning fast and was perfectly packed - great experience all around from Baar Products." - C.V.

"Iodex is an old remedy that my grandfather (who was a doctor) told me about many, many years ago. When my knee was swollen and nothing helped (even shots) my sister reminded me about Iodex. Now I use it all the time. Helps with the swelling and pain!" - C.P.

Muscle & Joint Pain:

“How does something so simple work so well? … Why isn't this sold in a vat? My husband has heel spurs...rubbed a small amount and break danced in the living room. A talent I did not know he possessed!
Next night, he asked me to put IODEX on his neck. Next night, his shoulder. I was torn...whose pain is worse? Clearly mine, as I now had developed the proverbial pain in the neck.
So I ordered another tiny jar. My husband said I am a trend setter because of my intensive research."
"Miraculous for boils, inflammation and pain."
- G.S.

“IODEX: it’s black magic! My family has been using this product my entire life. We use it on cuts, sores, swellings and muscle sprains. It takes the pain out overnight. We never go on vacation without it. So glad it’s still around.” - L.R.

“It worked. My children run track and feel sore many times after training. The coach suggested that I purchase IODEX. My daughter’s knee had been feeling strained for 3 days. On the third day the coach rubbed IODEX on the knee and it worked. No more limping! I was skeptical until we used it.” - L.J.

“IODEX – great for your joints. IODEX is great for bunions and arthritic fingers or other joints. A little goes a long way. Helps to soak feet in Epsom salt first and then apply [Iodex] to bunions.” - J.S.

“My late husband’s mother recommended IODEX 30 years ago and I haven’t stop using it since. I have been having problems with my knees and all of a sudden a week ago I started putting it on my knee and it doesn't hurt anymore.” - J.S., PA

“Amazing!! IODEX Ointment is Amazing. If you have sore muscles after a workout, rub some on and within minutes you will feel better.” -R.

"I have been using IODEX for over 60 years. I started using it in the 10th grade of high school, and I'm 78 years old and have 4 children that I got through sports with it. I have informed people in Michigan and people in Florida how helpful this product is for muscle problems and how to obtain the product. I ask people to ask a druggist to order it... We ordered two bottles as we always like to have one extra. We have even given partial jars to friends so they can try it and find the benefit of it. GREAT, GREAT, GREAT PRODUCT." - L.J.B

Sore Throat & Swollen Glands:

"Iodex is a mainstay in my medicine chest, as well as, in the medicine chest of every member of our family (including, by choice, the 20-40 year old ‘kids’). It’s our ‘go to’. I am 60, and this product has been in use in our family for at least 4 generations now. As a kid, it was called ‘black magic’ in our household. Obviously, black for the color, and magic for how magically it worked. Every sore throat that anyone in our family has ever had, was treated with Aspirin, then Iodex lightly rubbed on our throats followed by a warm towel wraps. (old towels, as it does stain). No one ever held a sore throat for more than 3 days. Also used on bug bites, skin scrapes/scratches, skinned knees, minor skin infections and bruises. There was a time where Iodex was hard to find and had to special order through a pharmacy. Making it more difficult, the pharmacists’ weren’t aware of the product, making it even harder to come by. We are so happy to find that Baar carries Iodex. Thank you!" – C.S.H., Aurora, CO

“Used as a child – learning new uses all the time. My mother used IODEX when I had the chronic problem of swollen neck glands as a child. She would rub it on my neck at night and wrap my neck with a warm flannel cloth. I would wake feeling much better- it was like the inflammation that was causing my fever and pain was pulled out of my neck.” - A.C., FL

“Great Old time family multi use product almost impossible to find in stores. Rub on neck for swollen glands and sore throat works faster to wrap neck in a strip of flannel – will take down swelling. Hope they never stop making it.” - M.

“Still going and healing….I was raised on IODEX. My mother used it for everything from sore throats to sinus headaches. I'm 69 and it had been on the market at least 50 years when she started using it. GREAT STUFF.” - M.

“This stuff is so great I’ve been using it since the 80s snd my granny was using it since forever. I get swollen glands from allergies and cold weather. Just rub some on your neck snd it helps so much.. please keep making Iodex! ” - L.D.

Plantar Fasciitis:

“It worked on my plantar fasciitis. I have had plantar fasciitis for almost 3 years. During that time I have tried physical therapy and cortisone shots but have not been able to find relief. I was so frustrated with it that I was almost ready to allow a doctor to give me 8 cortisone shots over the course of a 6 - 8 month period to try and take care of it; however, someone suggested that I soak my foot in Epsom salt for an hour and then apply IODEX. After only a week, the lump in my heel was gone and after 3 weeks the pain was almost gone entirely. This stuff really is amazing!!” - R., NV

"I use this stuff on my feet to fight bunions, as well as on small scrapes to prevent infections." - J.B., Carlisle, PA

Use On Animals:

"Since I was a child, our family has used Iodex for minor (And even fairly major) skin wounds. We also used on our pets through the years. As a physician for over 30 years, I have continued to recommend this amazing salve." - V.B., M.D., VA

“Highly Recommended. My grandfather was a vet. He used this in his practice on farm animals as well as the family pets. It is a miracle salve for people too. It is a non-burning salve so it is great to use on kids. Whether it be an embedded splinter or some kind of scrape you put it on, put a bandage over it, and voila the splinter is gone the next day or the burning/soreness is gone the next day. I have given it to co-workers who will swear by it also. Three generations later and everyone in the family has a jar of it. It lasts for years. Our Airdales used to get “hot spots” occasionally, which seep, burn, itch, etc…Within 24-48 hours the hot-spots were cleared up.” - L.E.

“Love this stuff. I have been using this product for years, my vet recommended it for my dogs years ago. I use it for myself all the time and it lasts forever!!!” - S.

“The salve is an absolutely amazing drawing salve. It's original use was for cattle on a dairy farm during the winter when their bags would crack. I used it on my daughter when she was young and had a severe burn and there is no sign of scarring even 40 years later. I highly recommend it and I make sure that every member of my family has it in their house at all times” - A.C.

Old-Time Remedy

“My family has been using this product for decades and it has worked wonders every single time. It is such a consistently well made product and only full of the good stuff. Please continue making this product for generations to come. Best, A very happy customer” - G.R.

“Never be without it! I have used this product for over 20 years & never want to run out of it! Amazing medicine! Love it!” - R.N.

“Love the old school remedies! I used to buy this at an old pharmacy in a tiny town in northern California…best antibiotic ointment ever!” - R.H., CA

“Excellent. Three generations of my family have used this and swear it works miracles. I’m so glad I can find it online.” - J.W.

“Awesome Product. I bought this because my nana had a very old jar that still did the trick. This stuff is amazing. If you want treatment quickly, this is your product. I would recommend to everyone!” - V.C.

“Old fashioned remedy. My grandfather was a doctor and used this remedy for everything.” - M.

“Great medicine! We’ve used this product since I was a little girl…it’s very good and it does help with pain! There’s a lot more this can do as well!” - L.M.

“IODEX Salve. Been using this salve for years, couldn’t ask for better stuff. Works great after all this time. Doctor used it on me when I was a kid in the 50’s. Still works great!!” - anonymous

“Our family’s little secret! I grew up on IODEX. The family saying was, “Rub a little IODEX on it” for anything that we kids happened into! My friends’ moms always put that pink stuff all over them, but not us! The story is that a little bottle of this saved my uncle’s hand from being amputated way back in the 30’s or 40’s. Since setting up housekeeping in the mid-80’s my own family has now never been without a bottle in the medicine cabinet. We are now using it on a faithful milk cow for a little problem, so I’m having to get another bottle for the house!!!” - L.F.

“Home remedy, but highly effective. This represents a great example of how and why “old school” still proves the most effective medicine.…IODEX has been a part of my family’s home palliative and therapeutic milieu since my childhood. I decided to continue the tradition.” - J.B., LA

“Old school rules! Old school black salve suitable for so many injuries!" - N.W.G.

“I am so glad I found this website and found IODEX. My mother-in-law told me about IODEX a long time ago and we could never find it in the stores. Bless you guys, this stuff is great.” - D.C., NC

“I have been searching high and low for IODEX, which I've used since I was a child, and my children also love. It is a wonderful salve, and no household should be without it.” - A.R., CO

"Love this! Just like when my daughter was young 40 yrs ago. Would put it on her ear when she had her ear mastoids. Awesome for any sore!" - L.W.

"I was introduced to IODEX Salve growing up on a farm. When I became an adult, I have always made sure I kept a supply handy. My supply had been on hand so long that the top rusted away. I have finally got around to ordering a new jar, even though the old supply seemed to be working well. I consider IODEX the 'go-to-treatment' for those situations that do not seem to respond to other treatments. I wished it was more conveniently available through my local pharmacies... it is a great product!" - H.D., GA

"My mother used this when we were younger and I have used it ever since. Has healed wounds overnight." - K.B.F, LA

"I have used this product for years and will never be without it!" - S.E.

"Don't let the name frighten you . This little GEM will make things right from head to toe." - D.W.

"I have been looking for this product for ages. I raised my children with this great salve. Works great. Thanks for saving my life." - M.K.

"Used this in my family for generations and it is still as great a product as it was when I was a child. Thank goodness I can find it here. Yah for IODEX!" - H.C.

"I have been using Iodex for a long time I am very satisfied with the results. I have been using this product since 1985, 30 years still get the same amazing results. To me this is a miracle salve. Remove spot and discoloration in small area cannot be beat and is not painful." - D.F.

"This product is as old as the hills .No body should be WITHOUT a jar in your medicine cabinet. "IODEX OINTMENT" is a miracle healing medication , no chemicals and no side effects that I am aware of. It has PROVEN itself well over the past 100 years, Swollen painful glands, to whatever your problem, trust me,it will heal. Thank God, it is still available.. In my book, it has passed all testing...." - M.P.

"This product is as old as the hills .No body should be WITHOUT a jar in your medicine cabinet. "IODEX OINTMENT" is a miracle healing medication , no chemicals and no side effects that I am aware of. It has PROVEN itself well over the past 100 years, Swollen painful glands, to whatever your problem, trust me,it will heal. Thank God, it is still available.. In my book, it has passed all testing...." - M.P.

"Iodex was created in 1910. I believe my family started using it not far from 1910. Consequently, it became a tradition to the family first aid supplies. I can go to any of my cousin’s homes and find Iodex there too. Best stuff around." - T.

"I have used Index since I was a child of the 50's. It did a multitude of goodness. It is awesome on bruises and general wounds. But it helps to heal deeper wounds once they have started healing. It is good on minor burns, as well as mosquito bites. It was my parents go-to antispetic. And it works well to help draw out splinters. A good, old school product!" - M.D.